Friday, 23 July 2010

Rain rain go away!

It’s the last week of term for all the students but there’s no rest for the building contractors!

Last week we started work on the external cladding, and this is progressing well. The weather hasn’t picked up much this week, but luckily it hasn’t affected things too much. We’re praying for some sun soon!

We have started to put the internal partitions in place inside the building, so the Sixth Form is really starting to take shape.

Over the school holidays we are expecting to complete the horticultural area and start work on fitting the main services to the site, including gas and electric.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Nursery block work begins

The ground floor slabs have now all been put in place.

We have started work on the nursery block work and stonework, and next week we will be getting to work on the plant room inside.

External cladding work has also commenced, which is set to take six weeks. We did get slightly delayed but we are looking to make the time back.

The roof work is almost complete, and we will soon be ready to put the windows in place.